Authored by Nfkjasfas

The affliction warlock truly is an exclusive gameplay style

You do have silences and stuns, giving you decent CC and a burst however you're consistent damage is pretty small compared to armour and you also lack Mortal Strike WoTLK Classic Gold. It is definitely a nice spec for very specific prompts however, if used correctly, is able to do very well. Up next is the warlock, this class comes with two primary PvP specs which are destruction and affliction. They have very different ways of playing, so let's get started with the affliction. This type of specialization provides a lot of control. It also has many dot damages.

The affliction warlock truly is an exclusive gameplay style, since you are almost never focusing on one target. The goal is to bring your unstable affliction and corruption up on all targets with the right curses. While taking care to make sure the team that is gaining momentum with things like curse of tongues, Curse exhaustion, fear of death, work, etc. Also, you must be extremely mindful of the pet you consider to be keeping the animal alive is vitally important.

The pet you have spells magic off of yourself and teammates but you'd also cleanse and possibly lock the enemy team. Not to mention your fact that this minimizes the damage you incur by 20% as well. The reason you'd choose to play as an affliction Warlock would be because you enjoy multitasking and having plenty of control to give. However, you'll also be rotting your opponents to death

What you don't want to do is play an affliction warlock because they're a bit squishy and the only real defensive they have is their portal that if placed or used incorrectly could result in your demise. You also wouldn't enjoy the speck, if you don't want to be focusing on several things at the same time. When you're fighting a bad affliction, warlock, your entire team will die as no one is able to cast and when you attempt to generate pressure your DPS isn't just being scared cheap WoTLK Gold, but as well, that fear could be covered with unstable afflictions.

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