Authored by Nfkjasfas

The affliction Warlock is an exclusive gameplay style

If you are thinking of being a protection warrior WoTLK Classic Gold, They play exactly like arms, but you don't actually switch stances that much since you have a sword and shield out every day and are able to be used in defensive stance that is, you can you to sleep and yourself, and you obviously are much larger and more powerful than arms.

You do have silences and stuns that give you decent CC and a burst however you're consistent damage is pretty small compared to armour and you also lack Mortal Strike. It's definitely a great spec for very specific prompts, but if played correctly is able to do very well. Next up is the warlock, this class comes with two primary PvP specs , affliction and destruction. Both have distinct gameplay styles, so let's begin with Affliction. This type of specialization provides a lot of control, but also many dot damages.

The affliction Warlock is an exclusive gameplay style, since you are rarely focusing on a single specific target. Your main objective is to have your corrupted affliction unstable and able to take on all targets with the proper curses while trying to stop the opposing team from gaining momentum by using things like curse of tongues, Curse of exhaustion and fear death, labor, and more. It is also important to be extremely mindful of your pet's health, as keeping the animal alive is vitally important.

Your pet not only to spells magic off of yourself and your teammates, but also purge and possibly lock the enemy team not to mention its ability to reduces the damage you take by 20 percent. The reason you'd choose to be an Affliction Warlock could be due to the fact that you enjoy multitasking and having the most control you can give cheap WoTLK Gold. However, you'll also be rotting your opponents to death with.

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