Authored by mathav

What is the IELTS test format?

The International English Language Testing System is shortly called as IELTS. It has four modules they are; Listening, Writing, Reading, and Speaking. IELTS Online Coaching guides you more to crack the exam. Certification proves your ability easily and it makes a valuable difference between staying at home and studying overseas. Check IELTS Coaching in Chennai for more.

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  • It is a test expected for non-local English speakers. Its motivation is to discover what your degree of English is (your outcome is a band score from 0 to 9). Normally you want to take the IELTS test assuming you are going after a position or to review in a school or college in an English-talking nation or on the other hand in the event that you are moving to such country. There are 2 modules of the IELTS test – Academic and General. The Academic Module is for future understudies and the General Module is for people who mean to live and work in another country. IELTS Classes in Pune IELTS Coures in Pune IELTS Training in Pune

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