Authored by Dingbest

NBA 2K21 unskippable ads"will probably be repaired", states 2K

2K states the unskippable ads included in NBA 2K21 MT were implemented in a way the publisher"did not mean," and the error"will be fixed." In a statement on Twitter, the company addressed backlash to how adverts were included in its most recent release. Before this week, players noticed an unskippable ad for the Oculus Quest 2 before an in-game video. That ad appeared to operate during a loading screen, but was the same length even when running with an SSD to a PC (through Stevivor). Players criticised 2K for the advert, with many noting it was looking in a full-priced title.

In response, 2K reminded players who adverts"have been incorporated into 2KTV segments" for a few years, but stated that"yesterday's 2KTV ad placement impacted our players' experience in a way we didn't intend, as these ads aren't intended to run within the pre-game introduction." Because of this, the issue"will be fixed in future episodes," although there's no word on exactly when the change is going to be implemented. It doesn't sound like the ads will truly be moving away. 2K points out that they've been set up for a little while already, and that the issue here appears to be in which the ad showed up, not the simple fact that it had been there in the first place. Hopefully the placements will probably be more subtle later on, but it appears that in-game adverts are set to become part of the NBA 2K matches for a while yet.

That performance seems like its worthy of Cheap NBA 2K21 MT Coins a Pink Diamond, at least. On the next half of a yearlong, Jordan had 64 points, but the Bulls lost the match in overtime 128-124.

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