Authored by johnfahad



Tip 1: clean up your desk Checking Instagram again or watching a video on Youtube while you wanted to do your homework? This is sure to happen to you more often and you are not alone with it. Concentration is often very limited due to the ubiquitous smartphone. But you can prevent that by tidying up your desk! Banish everything from the room that can distract you during your concentration phases. So all electronic devices that you do, fewer, plainsn’t need. Media withdrawal may seem strange to you at first, but after a while, you will find that you are doing your chores much faster. Tip 2: create a learning plan In any case, you should keep a homework book so that you are always up to date and do not catch any detentions. If you want to be completely organized, the best thing to do is to create a study plan. Whether digital or on paper is entirely up to you. It is only important that your planner is always up to date and that you enter all exams and presentations. It is best to have a monthly overview in which you can enter all appointments, including your private appointments. Color-mark exams and think about how much time you should plan for exam preparation and my premium essay. Before very important exams such as the Abitur, you create a weekly schedule in which you enter exactly when you will study for which subject. It is best to write down which topics you would like to study on which day. Leave a buffer in case you don't understand the material right away. Tip 3: pay attention to the biorhythm Sitting in class at 8 a.m. is, unfortunately, the standard in German schools. Here, have STUDIES shown that the early start of school for many students is not meaningful. However, individual young people do not arrive at the early start of lessons. At home, however, it's different: Here you can plan your everyday life in a way that best suits your rhythm. If you have planned intensive study for a class test for the weekend, you should think about what time you can record the most in advance. If you're one of the owls and can't concentrate until late in the morning, you should just stay in bed a little longer. You can make up the time in the evening. This will make you more efficient and have to spend less time at the desk to do the same. Tip 4: Writable desk pad If you do not want to forget certain things under any circumstances, you should always keep them in mind. It's very easy - with a writable desk pad made of paper! Whenever you have an idea for your school project or group work, write it down on the pad. Tip: Some of these documents are also available with a printed calendar. So you can also paint your days with classwork in bright colors and resume writing world. Tip 5: shelves for each compartment Using shelves sounds very stuffy, but it is helpful. Find a corner in your room that can hold all of your school supplies. Use one shelf for each subject and preferably an additional one for general school information. You can find everything quickly and don't have to rummage through your entire room if you want to find the documents for your classwork. Tip 6: Pay attention to the teacher's requirements Getting good grades is easier than you think. Just listen carefully when the teacher describes the requirements for you. Do you have to be able to use all the formulas in the classwork and learn the vocabulary of all the lessons or are some of the material not asked? Your life will be a lot easier if you think carefully about what you need to do for a good grade and don't go ahead and study it headlessly. If in doubt, ask your teacher again instead of your classmates - if they have forgotten something, you will only get angry afterward. Tip 7: write a study summary For an exam or class test, the most effective way to learn is with a study summary. As the name suggests, it summarizes the most important points of a topic in such a way that you will still understand them without any problems even in a few months (see tip 14). Proceed chronologically for your learning summary and limit yourself to the most important things: For example, dates, theses of an author, chapter overview, or brief descriptions of the characters in your school reading. Method sheets on topics such as “writing poetry analysis”, which you can use and add to over and over again, are also helpful Tip 8: Learn vocabulary in everyday life In the higher grades at the latest, you have to write entire texts in a foreign language. So that you don't miss the words, you should also cram vocabulary into everyday life. This can even be fun if, for example, you're reading a book in English or watching your favorite TV series in English with subtitles. Another possibility is that you stick up your room with small, colorful post-its. Stick a piece of paper on your furniture and write the English word for it on it. The more you see them, the more likely the vocabulary will stick in your head and write my essay. Tip 9: watch learning videos Do you spend a lot of time on Youtube? Then take advantage of your passion for school! On Youtube, you will find many useful learning videos that explain everyday life to you! Explains, for example, current topics and terms such as cold progression. Tip 10: create a learning wall Are you a visual learner and do you remember things faster than you see? Then take over an entire wall in your room and turn it into a learning wall! In the days leading up to a class test, hang up large posters with mind maps, a timeline, or formulas. It is also helpful if you organize the posters according to categories, for example, "Can I", " OK " and "Repeat". Tip 11: find study groups Do you understand maths quickly, but regularly score fours and fives in your poetry analyzes? Then it is time to seek help. Ask your friends if they wish you a study group wants to start where you give each other support. The members of your study group should meet two conditions: 1. You like them and enjoy spending time with them. 2. You don't keep each other from learning. Always remember the faster and more productively you work, the sooner you can do something nice together. Tip 12: pack your school bag Nothing is more annoying than forgetting your homework at home and getting a line in the class to register for it. To prevent this from happening, you should pack your bag in good time. Whether the evening before or in the morning is up to you. You just shouldn't wait so long to get hectic and forget half of it. So if you can hardly get out of bed in the morning, you should just get it over with quickly in the evening. Tip 13: find a learning rhythm So that you forget as little as possible in everyday life, you should find a rhythm that makes it easier for you to organize your everyday life. This is especially true for studying or doing your homework. If you need a bit of relaxation after school, you can treat yourself to a little time at home. But always start your tasks at the same time. So you can quickly get into the rhythm and it is no longer so difficult for you to do your tasks. Tip 14: archive school materials The subject matter repeats itself over and over again in your school career. So if you're clever, file off your school supplies so that you can find them quickly. The best thing to do is to create a clear organizational system. For example, you could file your materials in files with a table of contents. Or you can create a Word document in which you enter which topic you have dealt with in which subject in which semester. The system may seem cumbersome at first, but you will benefit from it shortly before major exams like high school. Tip 15: create to-do lists If you are a crazy person and like to forget about your tasks, you should write yourself to-do lists. This way you always have an eye on what you have to do. At the same time, you can also see what you have already achieved and you can look forward to small successes. Important: What you can't manage today will definitely be on your to-do list for tomorrow and essay. Tip 16: simulate exams Are you AFRAID of written exams, oral exams, or presentations? You are certainly not alone in this. So that you are better prepared for the exam and have fewer jitters, it is best to simulate the exam beforehand. Before an ORAL EXAM, for example, you meet with your study group and you ask each other questions. In this way, you will notice whether you can also explain your knowledge orally and respond to questions. Tip 17: find balance The closer the exam date approaches, the more panicked and hectic you learn. At some point, however, you will be unable to concentrate and it will no longer help at all that you are sitting at your desk. Therefore, you should take a break in between and find a balance. It's best to go out into the fresh air, do sports or listen to music. Stop thinking about the subject matter for a short while. You will see: afterward, you will make much faster progress. Tip 18: Become more efficient Sitting around at a desk and cramming is not fun for most young people. So that you spend as little time as possible on homework and studying, you should think carefully about where you can save time. Do you spend too much time sorting your documents at home or are you unable to concentrate? Find out how you can become more efficient so that you can finish faster in the future.

Tip 19: increase concentration So that you are focused while learning, you should drink enough and eat something healthy in between, such as fruit or nuts. At home, you can also get up briefly and stretch out. Unfortunately, this is not possible in the exam. If you notice in a very long exam such as the Abi exams that your concentration is in the basement, unfortunately, you cannot go out and take a walk. Instead, you can close your eyes for a moment and concentrate fully on yourself. Breathe in and out deeply, making sure you maintain a straight posture. After that, you will be better. Tip 20: reward yourself If you have organized your school life well for a while and have always given your best in the exams, now is the time for a reward! Do something nice with your friends or buy the pair of shoes you've wanted for a long time. You have now earned that and it will surely motivate you for the next school year.

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