Authored by Nova Kirk



What is thesis plagiarism?

Ways to combat plagiarism in text

What is thesis plagiarism?

Today, the word "Antiplagiat" has entered the everyday life of almost every student. Although it would be more correct to use just “plagiarism”, and the first term is rather a mechanism of protection against the second, i.e. plagiarism, so to speak, a kind of "barrier" that the text with the presence of this very plagiarism should not pass.

So, plagiarism in the narrow sense is, in simple words, giving someone else's text (if we are talking exclusively about the textual result of scientific work) as our own. Those. you write a term paper, thesis or master's thesis, and perhaps just an abstract and at the same time use the thoughts, conclusions of other authors without footnotes to them - this is plagiarism. We will not dwell on other types of plagiarism (including violations of citation rules), since these types and criteria are rarely applied to student papers.

In most universities, it has recently become popular to use various programs that detect plagiarism in student works (among them eTXT Plagiarism, Advengo Plagiatus, etc.). But, these programs have a number of disadvantages that can be both positive and negative for you as a student. For example, checking your work in one of these systems, the supervisor will never know whether you copied something from an article that is only in pdf format, whether you took something from the sites, since none of the programs searches through pdf files and does not automatically translate text into English. This is a plus for you!

Now a minus. You have footnotes on all borrowings in your work, there is an author's text, but you used only Internet sources. Accordingly, the program, while checking your work, does not pay attention to your footnotes - it simply highlights the text as plagiarism. But plagiarism is that we pass off other people's thoughts as our own ?! Here is the program, and the result of its work can harm you.

Ways to combat plagiarism in text Now, by the way, about how you can still bypass this imperfect verification system. We will not consider changing letters of the same type to Latin letters - this is a passed stage. Firstly, this is already taken into account in the programs under consideration, and, secondly, this is, say, not fair.

First and foremost, we recommend that you add footnotes to the text you are borrowing. And after the scientist has checked your work, defend your work by showing footnotes to the text that the program has identified as plagiarism. Many people who write works on natural sciences do this, because there are a lot of scientific articles and after searching for several hours, you can collect a lot of material. If you see that something is not working out for you with the search for materials for your work, we can help with your assignment

Second - write your own (author's) text - it's not at all difficult. Take as a basis several scientific articles, books, reviews, etc., read them, organize them, draw conclusions and write according to the scheme: someone else's text (be sure to have a footnote on it), your conclusion about what was said by another author - and you will not have time to look back, how in front of you will be work with a level of uniqueness of at least 70% !. This is especially easy to do with work on subjects such as accounting. Although you should not relax too much, because of this, people often do not meet the deadline. If you are also too relaxed with your work on the accounting report, then you can always ask the specialists for help by clicking on the special link .

Third - if you find it difficult to come up with something of your own - take someone else's text, open the dictionary of synonyms (if your vocabulary is not enough) and go ahead - replace some words with others. Not a single program has yet learned to define the same meaning in texts. Not everyone can do it)

This list can be expanded and added further, but these are some of the most "honest" ways to get quality text. If none of these methods is beyond your power or you just don't want to waste time on it, then - you are welcome! Experts Essay Help service know and are able to work with texts that have sufficient experience in this field. Our works are distinguished by a high level of uniqueness, since it is not at all difficult for experienced authors.


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