Authored by anqilan456

Lost Ark throws an awful number of monsters while you progress across

However, Rudric has an immunity to any type of damage however, powerful grenades such as those from the Flash Grenade can be handy in the event that you're unleveled to gain some additional oomph Lost Ark Gold. Robes with Swiftness can be crucial to ward off his more powerful AOE attacks. Panacea can remove any Deadly Poison debuff from your character.

Be sure to have some Phoenix Plumes on your ready should you pass away and have to come back. It is likely that you have amassed plenty of them from the completion of various side quests or through your adventurer's Tome achievement. If you're getting low, Phoenix Plumes can also be traded to get Victory Seals at your Stronghold.

How to Defeat Rudric

If you're at a similar levels similar to Rudric and you are close to him, you may be interested in joining with a group to take on this World Boss down. The process of destroying his health could be quite a long and tiring process, and that's an enormous task to tackle on yourself. Be aware that Rudric's aggression is largely random, and even if you go into the fight with a group of high-level players, you're not certain to be safe.

If you're an asymmetrical class, make certain to have at minimum one other skill that you can use for this fight in order to be able to ward off Rudric Scorched Earth AOE attack. If you are a ranged class, remain on the periphery of his character and move clockwise, trying to keep him in the back whenever feasible. The most crucial move to avoid will be that blue Ring Of Fire move. Being "feared" in this battle could trigger an effect chain stun that can take down the most experienced warrior.

Be careful not to try kiting Rudric for too long or go too far. There may be an area of fire in the ground surrounding Rudric's spawn zone. If you cross this line, or get too far away from Rudric could cause him to reset and you'll return to the beginning.

Rewards for Defeating Rudric

When you first best Rudric the boss, he will drop an "Defeat Rudric Chest" which includes these items

Enhanced Desert Prison Headpiece

Cruel Reaper Ring

Rudric Card

The Lone Demon's Demonic Cave

Eternity The Essence

There is also the possibility of receiving the Epic quality weapon that is compatible with the class of your character. Rudric is also likely to drop the following items every when he's defeated:

Improved Desert Prison Gloves

Cruel Reaper Necklace

Normal Healing Potions for Healing

Given the rarity and high quality of the rewards that come from the World Boss drop, the items aren't as valuable for players with higher levels cheapest Lost Ark Gold. If you are unable to gather an entire group of players with low levels to play with you, Rudric might just have to serve as a to stop the way to completing your Adventurer's Tome at some point in the course of your Lost Ark playthrough.

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