Authored by ocean astronaut

Learning Language - 10 Most Effective Learning Strategies

Learning new language like Pashto requires great effort. But there are ways, how can you speed up your progress. The list of 10 most effective learning strategies in learning language can give you early and will prevent you from taking unnecessary circular ways. If you decide to start the journey to expand your mind, try to understand the language and culture and others, making it as effective and efficient as possible

I have a clear motivation

Learning language is a very big task. And no matter what kind of advertising madness that you might hear or read –

1 Have a clear motivation

 It takes time - don't believe anyone who claims they will make you learn language in 30 or 90 days. Depending on your goal (see can you learn language in 10 days, 30 days or 90 days?) You may have hundreds of hours of language learning in front.

Like every big business, you must be very clear that it's really what you want. If you do not have clear motivation then your chances of leaving your language learning efforts are very high. Most people leave the language learning class or their self -learning before reaching the middle level. Don't be one of them. Be smarter!

Use your brain first to determine whether you are absolutely willing and can be committed to learning other languages. If you determine that you - Congratulations!

Now for the motivation section. In every project that takes a long time, you will have a phase where you don't want to continue learning, and where you are tempted to let everything go down to the river. For this moment, I really pay to find out exactly why you decide to learn that language. Even though you might have a clear idea when you start, you must write down your motivation. This will make you think about all projects much clearer. And that will be a savior of life for time to fall, which will definitely happen. Then, just return to what you have written to ensure that you will stay on the track, to refresh your motivation and enthusiasm. This is the note "hey, wait there" from you for yourself in the future.

2 Serve yourself

The more interesting places you have towards the language and culture of people who speak easier you will find motivation to continue learning. The more you want to know what people say, how they say something and what kind of view they have, the more you will be encouraged to continue learning language. The best way, of course, learning language is correctly sinking in it correctly -actually living in a country where they only speak that language. But this is not enough. There are many examples of people who live for years abroad without being able to hold the most basic conversation in foreign languages. The people created language bubbles to protect themselves from foreign languages. So, if you plan to learn languages abroad, you are committed to learning it. Describe yourself in a foreign language and call yourself from your own mother tongue.

Although it is more difficult to learn other languages in your home country, it's still very possible. Just do the opposite of the language bubble and at least for a certain time per day to make a foreign language bubble where you try to see, think and express everything you do in the language you learn.

This is very helpful if you have access to TV and radio and newspapers in a foreign language. Check the internet. Many radio and TV stations have streaming content, which you can watch in your browser.

Try to find as many original speakers as possible and communicate with them. Foreigners who live in your country are most frequently honored if you try to learn their language and will help in teaching you true pronunciation and also slang, which you most likely find in any language course.

3 Listen often

Language according to the first definition of oral media. Therefore, it is very important for you to continue to listen to as many foreign languages as possible. This will shape your ears so that you slowly begin to understand what is said.

Try to find many radio programs, broadcasts, podcasts, TV programs, audio books, songs, music or what you have in a foreign language. The more you listen to language, the more your brains will start taking words from the context and start making connections.

Your success in speaking language smoothly will depend on how well you can take and understand spoken language and therefore imitate it.

Forming an ear is a very slow process. This can take weeks and months until you fully understand the language that is quite slow. Therefore it is useful if you start listening at the beginning of your language learning adventure. It doesn't matter if you don't understand anything.

However, the important part of listening to spoken language is that you actively listen - that is your focus and your concentration is in language and not in other things. The brain is very good at ignoring things -so you will not get great benefits if you wear a language band in the background while thinking about other things or exploring the internet.

Listening means actively focusing on what you hear. That's how you tell your brain that this is important.

4 Learn vocabulary in an intelligent way.

Not all language words are the same. Some occur far more often than others. Therefore it is proven to be useful if you focus your attention on words that are more common in advance. You will save countless time by compiling your learning efforts so that you choose important words first. There is no benefit to studying the dictionary that starts with the letter A until you reach the letter Z. Be smarter than that!

Did you know that in English you can cover 25% of whatever is said or written by only 9 words: and, be, have, from, from, to, will, you.

If you include 43 words that you will discuss 50% of spoken language.

By studying 1000 words most often you will be able to cover about 80% of almost all languages.

Or that's the statistics will tell you ...

But there is a broad spread error: You will not understand 50% (in 43 words) or 80% (in 1000 words) of a text by studying those words.

Make no mistake, this 1000 words are really important and need to be learned. But those words are only fillers, you need to know. The actual meaning of each oral or written text comes from the other 15-20%.

The conclusion from this statistical view is that while you can learn about 1000 words and cover 80% of the words that occur, the sad truth is that your understanding of the text is still close to 0%.

Other words, which will convey meaning and give you understanding and you have to learn more that only 1000 words to really understand and communicate in meaningful ways.

You can continue the statistical game and you will find that in almost every language you will discuss around 90-95% of all words with 3000-4000 words. This forms your foundation. These are words -words, which you really need to know to get at least the idea of what is written or said.

Will you be fine with 3000-4000 words? Most clearly not. The true meaning of the text will return most of them transmitted in the remaining 5-10% and you have to learn more words until you will really be able to really understand what is being said.

So Sum Up: With around 3000 to 4000 words you will be able to start reading "original", non-language material. But be prepared that you have to look for about 2-3 words per sentence to understand its meaning.

5 Think in Foreign Language

When reading and listening to foreign languages really helps you in your efforts to really understand language, it does not teach you how to speak, left alone to speak smoothly and understood.

When you listen or read, you are forced to wait until certain words appear to recognize it even though you might prefer to see it more often or use it more often.

Most language courses teach you a common and useless basic vocabulary. They will never discuss the things you care about. So don't wait for yourself, build your own vocabulary.

The idea is simple: Everyone has a constant inner monologue, an inner voice that speaks. And you can use this sound for your benefits. Instead of using your mother tongue enough to turn to foreign languages and start speaking - either loudly or just in your mind. You will benefit more if you talk loudly because you will also train your muscles in your mouth and throat to pronounce and articulate the correct sound. But this is not absolutely necessary. Because the main goal is to tell your brain to activate and use the words you learn.

Talk to yourself about everything that interests you. No one needs to hear it.

Now the important part: every time you find a word, that you don't know - look and add immediately to your list of words/databases.

Describe things -hal. Say what you see. Say how it should be, will be, philosophy. Keep talking.

7 Learn words and phrases

This is a sad truth that learning a number of words (even if it is a large amount) will not make you speak language. Although you will be able to understand most of what is said or written language contains more than just simple words. Sentences have a specific structure and if you do not make a structure as expected by a language that is most likely not understood.

Language communication consists of sentences and phrases, word inflections and verbs. Combination and specific order are information carriers and meanings, not only individual words. Therefore it is important, that once you get the most basic vocabulary in language (say about 1000-2000 words) you start learning not only new words but examples of sentences, which will make you practice "how people say things" in Target Target Language. They will also describe in the context of what newly learned words are used.

Some people are worried and feel anxious when they don't learn "with books". Grammar books do have its goals. But if you start learning language, you haven't arrived there. Think about this - you have learned at least one language perfectly without ever looking into a grammar book. How could this happen?

  1. You take what is said around you. Not the first time, remember, but after you hear it for 10, 20 or 100 times it finally starts to stick.

  2. You imitate what you have heard. Simply repeating the sentence, it may be a little changed making you easy to understand.

  3. You hear similar phrases and sentences many times in different variations and somehow your brain starts to find out by itself how to say something.

You can use the same technique as adults - but this time you will learn with the same system, much faster. The biggest part of your childhood is actually not spent learning language but learning concepts, which can be explained by language (be it things -things like balls, chairs etc. or abstraction such as love, idealism and so on).

But you already know all these concepts - all you have to learn now is how to express these concepts in different languages.

Forget the grammar book. Learn sample sentences. If you cannot live without a grammar book, asking for original speakers to give you at least 10 sentences for each grammar concept. Then remove the book (or at least hide on a bookshelf, because you won't need it again).

8 Makes many mistakes

Most people are afraid to make mistakes. And this is only natural. Since the time we have been told that making mistakes is bad. It must be perfect for the first time, or you will fail. Sounds familiar? Well, this is a simple truth: if you don't start speaking in a foreign language - and need to make mistakes - you will only delay to speak. Many people postponed forever. Don't be one of them.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you talk to the indigenous people, they will most likely encourage you. And besides that, you can be sure that this is a temporary stage. After you pass it, you will talk with very few mistakes and big advantages in self -confidence.

Learning to speak is important - and there is no way to make mistakes. Receiving this simple truth can make your life easier: Start making mistakes that are very early in the adventure of learning your language.

You can see it like this: To speak the language correctly everyone must make a number of mistakes spoken. For example, let's assume around 10000. It's up to you to make the mistakes in the first half of your efforts or in the first 20 years of your efforts or never. Guess who will speak smoothly after one or two years.

For every mistake only once!

Sounds logical, right? However, it's not that simple to obey. But if you apply the following strategy, you can reduce your language learning efforts with a large number of hours.

Every time you realize that you make a mistake or an original speaker or your teacher shows that you make a mistake: write it down! Add each error (corrected) to your space repetition database and start learning. That's how you ensure that you delete the wrong memory traces by learning and happening with the right one.

At first you will write a lot. Depending on your enthusiasm and time you make to learn maybe 20-30 mistakes per day. But after only one or two weeks, you will see that the number continues to reduce the point where you write may be one or two errors per day.

Using this strategy pays off in a very good way. You make sure that you learn the language correctly and build a store of your sentence sample.

9 read and write as many as you can in a foreign language

You can help a lot of your brain and memory by activating various ways to remember foreign words. The most important thing is the use of space repetition (for example by using our Flashcard Learner software). This ensures that you will not forget the words and examples of sentences again.

However, besides that, you have to read many original texts. Internet is your friend. Find newspapers, blogs, chat rooms in your target language. Reading gives you context. While the repetition of spaces ensures that your educated words will not disappear, it is through reading and listening that your words and sentences that are learned will be placed in an appropriate context, which will allow you to build the right memory traces.

Also activate your motor memory by learning how to write in a foreign language will greatly intensify your ability to remember words correctly.

The more different memory mode that you can activate such as remembering through hearing, reading, visualizing in your mind how a word is written (especially in language, which does not have a full phonetic writing system or even a pictographic writing system such as China, Japanesesese or Korea) very important.

Use your senses, activate with the right words. Use a touch, odor, etc. To intensify the traces of memory.

Finally, reading gives you access to a big scheme about how someone expresses thoughts in your target language. Although listening to the radio will definitely shape your ears, it won't be too deep.

10 Conduct a short but regular session

You might be one of the people who want to achieve everything as soon as possible. This is a praiseworthy attitude, however, but in language learning (or learning in general) you will definitely invest more time or vice versa achieving much less results by entering too much time. If this sounds contradictory, give me with only one minute.

You see, it all has something to do with the way the brain gets and stores information. Whatever you try to learn for the first time put into your short -term memory. This is a very plastic area of your brain, which can store all types of information very quickly. Unfortunately it is an easy place to visit. Because your short -term memory storage capacity is very limited, it will water what you have entered before with almost no recovery opportunity as soon as something new or other things to store.

Let me give you Example: Try to learn with the heart of the telephone number and store it in your mind. It will work quite well as long as you keep repeating the phone number every minute or more for a while. Now let us assume that you will be disturbed and must do important tasks, which require all your attention and concentration. Trying to remember the telephone number after you complete your assignment is almost impossible. This is only watered from your short -term memory.

Let's summarize facts:

Whatever you learn will first be put into your short -term memory.

There is a upper limit of what you can save in your short -term memory.

What does it mean all that? Now that means learning for hours a day will not make you progress as fast as you think.

Learning in large pieces will only water whatever you have learned at the beginning and middle of the piece.

Don't get me wrong: if you can learn every day 5 or 8 hours the situation looks very different again. But the important thing is to do it every day!

Usually you will not learn 5 hours every day, but maybe once a week 5 hours. The forgotten curve shows that if you do that, you will remember maybe around 25-30% of what you have learned in your session (read more about learning, repeating, knowing here).

Conversely, if you invest 1 hour every day for 5 days, repeating everything you have learned the day before, your retention rate will be as high as 85-95%.

So you see, the less time you invest per session, but conducting regular sessions every day will produce much better results (usually 4-5 times better) than studying in large pieces and then leave it a few days or weeks to the side.

Only through regular sessions but relatively short, you will be able to learn 4000 words in a few months in just about 80 hours. If not, you will spend more time because you will re -study most of what you have learned before. The secret is to repeat whatever you have learned before you forget it. Then your minimal time investment and retention of maximum material.

The brain is a strange device, indeed: learning a lot in a single learning session makes the brain really not impressed. Even if you repeat many times during this session whatever you have learned - for the brain it will be almost the same as if you have learned and repeated it only once.

However, if you study and repeat your session from time to time, you will be able to maintain almost everything you have learned.

To create a long -term memory connection, the brain first check how relevant the information you enter. How to do it?

This is not when you invest to learn it.

This is not how many times you repeat it either.

This is how many times the information occurs in a certain time interval that is calculated.

You can try it yourself with Languages Tutor. Learn the phone number with heart. Then repeat 30 or 50 times in a row. You will be sure that you will not forget this number anymore. Then set aside and don't think

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  • Thank you for sharing the most effective ways to learn 10 Most Effective Learning Strategies. I appreciate your contribution and will apply these strategies to enhance my language proficiency.

    Also Check: Spoken English Classes in Pune

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