Authored by anqilan456

For those participating in a multiplayer campaign of Diablo 4

To begin Tools of the Trade, players will need to speak to Charsi when they reach the Monastery Gates, an area accessible via Tamoe Highland. She will explain that she has left her Horadric Malus in the monastery Diablo 4 Gold. Players will have to locate and eliminate one of Act I's Super Unique enemies the Smith and find the weapon and return it back to Charsi. The first step in completing the quest is finding your way to the Monastery Barracks. Once you have entered the monastery through the gates, find out the Outer Cloister, then enter the Barracks from there. The area must be found for the main story as well and players must to traverse it in order to get there.

Jail Level 1 will sometimes appear near the end of the Barracks area. If players move on right away, they will miss all of the other quests. Instead, explore the Barracks until you find the Smith. Defeat the Smith and pick up your Horadric Malus that's in the same area he was discovered in. Bringing the weapon back to Charsi will reward players with the chance to earn a reward. For those participating in a multiplayer campaign of Diablo 4. there will only be one Horadric Malus to collect But every player in the party will still be rewarded.

Charsi acknowledges her appreciation by giving the opportunity to imbue one of the usual items for players (white). The item that is imbued will be upgraded it into an extremely rare (yellow) item with several properties. The power and stats boosts will depend on the item player selects to imbue. The process can only be completed once, so it needs to be considered carefully Diablo 4 Gold for sale. After Charsi is able to imbue an item, the quest will change and display as complete. Tools of the Trade is a non-mandatory quest located in Act I of Diablo 4.

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