Authored by Olivia Chiote

Review Of Supervised Statistical Learning Methods

Statistics is a crucial aspect of machine learning. Therefore, statistical learning and probability-based models are prominent avenues for designing supervised learning models. This article reviews the critical statistical techniques powering supervised learning models. 

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Basic Statistical Supervised Learning Methods

Statistical approaches to supervised machine learning possess an explicit underlying probability model. These models determine the probability that every instance belongs to a particular class instead of simply classifying them. 

Linear discriminant analysis and Fisher’s linear discriminant are two simple & prominent methods in statistical learning. Accounting Assignment Help These methods help find a linear combination of features that aid in the easy classification of two or more different types of instances. 

  • · Maximum entropy is another potent method for predicting the probability distribution in a dataset. The fundamental idea is that when nothing is known, the data distribution should be as uniform as possible, that is, have maximum entropy. Labelled training data are used to determine the model constraints, which characterize the class-specific expectations. 

Bayesian networks are one of the most well-known examples of machine learning algorithms. Moreover, Bayes Theorem, Bayesian Reasoning and Bayesian networks are crucial aspects of statistics. Therefore, mastering them is essential to becoming a skilled economics assignment help.

 Two prominent methods are: 

  • Naïve Bayes Classifiers à They are simple Bayesian networks of directed acyclic graphs with only one parent and several children nodes. The most significant advantage of naïve Bayes classifiers is their short training period. Moreover, as the model is in the form of a product, it can be converted into a sum using logarithms. 
  • Bayesian Networks à These are graphical models of probability relationships among a set of variables. Basic Bayesian Networks are directed acyclic graphs with the nodes having one-on-one correspondence with features. These networks represent the causal probabilistic relationships among a set of random variables and their conditional dependencies. 

If a conditional relationship exists between two random variables, then the corresponding nodes are connected by a directed edge. For example, the edge between node A and B indicates that the random variable A causes the random variable B.  

Bayesian networks are potent but possess an inherent limitation. As a result, exploring previously unknown networks requires extensive computation. 

Well, that’s all the space we have for today. If you struggle frequently, then seek help with your ML & statistics homework from reputed Paper help services only.

All the best!

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